Giveit100 challenge repeat something for 100 days straight

The GiveIt100 Challenge To Help You Become The Person You Want To Be

The following video takes us through the journey of Estella, who did pushups for 100 days straight as a part of her GiveIt100 Challenge to become better at doing pushups and overcoming the self-consciousness about her body-image. Estella says, I still remember the days when I couldn’t do a single regular push-up. It seemed like I was “planking” on the floor for the longest time, … Continue reading The GiveIt100 Challenge To Help You Become The Person You Want To Be

Giveit100 challenge repeat something for 100 days straight

GiveIt100 Challenge: Repeat A Task For 100 Days And Be Awesome

The following video takes us through the journey of Estella, who did pushups for 100 days straight as a part of her GiveIt100 Challenge to become better at doing pushups and overcoming the self-consciousness about her body-image.   Estella says, I still remember the days when I couldn’t do a single regular push-up. It seemed like I was “planking” on the floor for the longest … Continue reading GiveIt100 Challenge: Repeat A Task For 100 Days And Be Awesome

Avatar Shaper: The Insanely Simple Way To Change Your Avatar Shape In WordPress

If you’ve ever noticed on the author’s Avatar profiles in different blogs/websites, you must have noticed different shapes such as square (default), curved square, circle, etc. When I first started using WordPress, I didn’t like the square Avatar display and wanted to give it the round, circular look. And the only reason that I could think of back then was to edit my picture in … Continue reading Avatar Shaper: The Insanely Simple Way To Change Your Avatar Shape In WordPress

Tesla Model S Sedan Interior Design

In Your Face: Passengers Facial Expressions On A Tesla Model S P85D Insane Mode Test Run

This video posted by Drag Times shows the massive power behind all-electric four-dour, Tesla Model S car when it’s running on Insane mode. Yes, you heard that correct. The car boasts of an INSANE mode which takes the car from 0 to 60 mph in 3.2 seconds. If you’re trying to visualize a comparison then that’s how fast a McLaren F1 usually rockets at. But the hook here is … Continue reading In Your Face: Passengers Facial Expressions On A Tesla Model S P85D Insane Mode Test Run

Chromebook Picture

How To Take A Partial Screenshot On A Chromebook

I often take screenshots for my various online projects and getting to know this amazing built-in feature to take a screenshot has been a big time saver. Essentially, the key combination of Ctrl +   will take a quick screenshot of your screen. Easy to use and does a real neat job. Often I’d have to crop my full screenshot to get the required area of the captured image until … Continue reading How To Take A Partial Screenshot On A Chromebook

WhatsApp Web: How To Access WhatsApp On Your PC/Laptop?

On January 21, 2015, WhatsApp announced on their blog regarding their new feature called WhatsApp Web, where a user could use WhatsApp on a web browser. Yes, you can now  send messages across to your contacts through the convenience of your PC/laptop. It’s essentially a web app rather than a native client, yet it’s really neat for those who don’t like to pick up their phone every other … Continue reading WhatsApp Web: How To Access WhatsApp On Your PC/Laptop?

5 Unmistakable Ways To Overcome The Work Load Feeling Of Overwhelm

Imagine yourself at your workplace. You’re working on this project in which you’ve been struggling to come up with the solution as desired by your client. This has delayed your shipping date. You feel as if you’re stuck in a rut. You’re mind gets cluttered by clouds of hopelessness. And then you are assigned more deliverables to ship. “I’m overwhelmed by all this work and … Continue reading 5 Unmistakable Ways To Overcome The Work Load Feeling Of Overwhelm

5 Simple Ways To Create Value In Your Organization

Do you have a job where you work for XYZ company? If you answered yes – Are you creating value in your organization i.e. maximizing their return of investment on you? They pay you a salary right, and they expect to get more than what they pay you. Here are 5 simple ways how you could create value in your organization and maximize their profits. … Continue reading 5 Simple Ways To Create Value In Your Organization

5 Minimal Smartphone Tricks To Have Laser Like Focus At Work

1. Airplane mode Imagine this scenario – You get an important work related call at 2 past midnight (that was a norm in my IT job). You somehow manage to accept the call after 5 rings. By the time you finish your conversation in half awake-half sleep mode, you have a blurry idea what the call was all about. And then you mess up. Next … Continue reading 5 Minimal Smartphone Tricks To Have Laser Like Focus At Work

5 Sacred Morning Rituals To Boost Your Productivity

1. Exercise – The best way to start your day is to get the blood flowing throughout your central nervous system. It helps boost your productivity and gives you a fresh outlook to celebrate the day ahead. Don’t have a gym membership, try calisthenics (body weight exercises). Throw some pushups, jumping jacks, squats and see how this simple act of shaking your booty in the … Continue reading 5 Sacred Morning Rituals To Boost Your Productivity

Why You Should Take A Nap Right Now?

Did you ever get caught by your history teacher while taking a nap when you were in junior high school? I’m guilty as charged. Back in the day, I used to feel embarrassed when my teacher would politely yell at me, “Ankur! Please go wash your face.” Only if I knew back then that naps taken in short intervals of 30 min actually increases productivity … Continue reading Why You Should Take A Nap Right Now?

The Ultimate Way To Organize Your Email Subscriptions

Imagine this situation – It’s 6 AM. You’ve just hit the snooze button on your smartphone for the third time. You’re still lying on the bed with your eyes wide open. And your inner voice is saying to you, “Get up and go get ready for work.” Keeping your smartphone on one hand and placing it in your line of sight, you manage to click … Continue reading The Ultimate Way To Organize Your Email Subscriptions