Is Cell Phone Monitoring Technology Worthwhile?

There’s no doubt that the coming of cell phone spying app technology has made life so much easier. Business owners have a lesser risk of losing potential business opportunities if they keep their cell phones close. Moreover, now employers can keep track of the whereabouts of their employees and track their internet usage while they are at work, with the sole purpose of increasing productivity … Continue reading Is Cell Phone Monitoring Technology Worthwhile?

How to Install and Play Pokemon Go in India

Are you looking for a way to download Pokemon Go on your Android or iOS phone in India? Since this game is only available in few countries and India not being one of them, you might get disappointed that you can’t play this game. Well, don’t get disappointing, here ‘s how you can download, install and play this game in India, both in iOS and … Continue reading How to Install and Play Pokemon Go in India

Net Neutrality and Zero Rating – how they matter

Net Neutrality Very recently we did a polling on Google+ to ask people if they support Net Neutrality. As expected 86% supported Net Neutrality but surprisingly 9% people did not have any idea what Net Neutrality is. So we thought of educating them and will explain in a simplified manner. Imagine someday you trying to search something on Google but your service provider doesn’t allow … Continue reading Net Neutrality and Zero Rating – how they matter

Next Possible Updates For Whatsapp

With new and new competitors in the market, have you ever thought what could be the next possible updates for Whatsapp, specialy after being bought by Facebook? What possibly Facebook can do with Whatsapp? Here is what we think can be done (or may be already in progress) Video Chat: Since Facebook already has this technology and recently Reliance Jio Chat app introduced video chat, … Continue reading Next Possible Updates For Whatsapp

Reliance Jio Chat Review

Reliance Just Launched Reliance Jio Chat (Messaging App) We have done a quick brief review because you need to know if you should be using this. Lets talk about some extra features which you have never seen before – Video calling -Reliance Jio chat app allows you to do video chat which so far was only allowed with hangout, Skype & Viber. Whatsapp and other messaging apps … Continue reading Reliance Jio Chat Review


How To Share Map With Your Friend?

It might be the most common problem we have come across. Often we find it difficult to make our friends understand our locations or the location of meeting and we end up sharing some stupid map images, scanned images or depend completely upon landmarks and localities. Enough is enough, this can’t be the way. Ever wondered how would that be if you can share map, … Continue reading How To Share Map With Your Friend?

How to open a CSV file if you don’t have MS Excel installed?

When I joined my new company, I was given a Mac and was asked to do all my works with that. That Mac didn’t have MS office and it was not allowed to install as well. So I was finding it very difficult since I had to deal with MS excel and CSV files. Ultimately I found the solution of my problem, I am sure … Continue reading How to open a CSV file if you don’t have MS Excel installed?

How to View Multiple Image Files On Mac

How To View Multiple Image Files On Mac?

If you’re a new Mac user who just switched from a decade use of Windows then this one will be a good hack for you to learn. Opening multiple image files on Mac is a common headache among Mac users and we have just the aspirin you need. 1. Open the directory/folder where the image files to be viewed have been stored. 2. Select the … Continue reading How To View Multiple Image Files On Mac?

How to Setup Mac As A Wifi Hotspot

How To Setup Mac As A Wifi Hotspot?

Did you know that you could use Mac to setup a Wifi Hotspot thereby eliminating the need of a physical Wifi router. So if you have a LAN connection and don’t have a wifi router, you can turn your Mac into a wifi hotspot and use the Wifi for all your other devices like mobile phones, tablets and other laptops. The steps have been listed … Continue reading How To Setup Mac As A Wifi Hotspot?

How to create MS Word Doc without MS installed – No need to install MS Office anymore

Yep, this is a trick question. I know you must be considering different other word docs but no, I am talking what if you don’t have any word doc installed, no Libre, no open office, nothing. You can create doc with notepad sometimes but then the whole format gets changed and the doc looks very ugly. Well, the Google doc is the life saver then. … Continue reading How to create MS Word Doc without MS installed – No need to install MS Office anymore