How to Setup Mac As A Wifi Hotspot

How To Setup Mac As A Wifi Hotspot?

Did you know that you could use Mac to setup a Wifi Hotspot thereby eliminating the need of a physical Wifi router.

So if you have a LAN connection and don’t have a wifi router, you can turn your Mac into a wifi hotspot and use the Wifi for all your other devices like mobile phones, tablets and other laptops.

The steps have been listed below.

1. Click on system preferences.

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2. Now click on sharing.

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3. Select Internet options(don’t check the box) and from the drop down select USB Ethernet and then check the wifi option below, then click on wifi options below.

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4. Now in this portion you can decide on a name and then decide on a password as well so that no random people can join your network, don’t change security or channel.

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5. Now come back to the previous screen and check internet option.

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Now you are all set to go, you can find this wifi from other devices and you know which password to put.

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