How To Get Rid Of Advertisements While Surfing Websites

You may feel very annoyed while watching videos on youtube and then suddenly banner ads starts blocking your view or you might feel distracted when you try to read some interesting article and all you can see is big-big banner ads everywhere on the web page (Just like this page : p). Few days ago one of my friend complaint about the same, he was … Continue reading How To Get Rid Of Advertisements While Surfing Websites

How to Make Your Windows Computer Boot Faster By Removing Useless Startup Apps

The average person wastes 1.6 hours every month watching their computer start up. That’s an astounding 5.5 million seconds over a lifetime or almost 64 days wasted waiting for a PC to boot. When our computer is new everything works fast and smooth, but as our PC grows old, we install many apps which makes it very slow, especially those apps which runs while starting … Continue reading How to Make Your Windows Computer Boot Faster By Removing Useless Startup Apps

How To download YouTube Video To My Computer?

Youtube has become the ultimate source of learning and entertainment, you can find almost everything which will help you to become what you want to be in true sense and all for free. You can learn anything from Guitar to Salsa moves, from cooking your favourite recipe to fix your phone. Also, these days, I hardly switch on to television as I can watch everything … Continue reading How To download YouTube Video To My Computer?

How to create MS Word Doc without MS installed – No need to install MS Office anymore

Yep, this is a trick question. I know you must be considering different other word docs but no, I am talking what if you don’t have any word doc installed, no Libre, no open office, nothing. You can create doc with notepad sometimes but then the whole format gets changed and the doc looks very ugly. Well, the Google doc is the life saver then. … Continue reading How to create MS Word Doc without MS installed – No need to install MS Office anymore

How to activate lower 3rd in Hangout (Your name and picture)

So what is lower 3rd in Hangout (if you don’t know it) Here in the picture can you see the lady name with a logo(picture). This is called lower third. It is very important when you talk to people who don’t know you or if you are having a hangout on air of if it’s some kinda formal hangout. Today we will learn how to … Continue reading How to activate lower 3rd in Hangout (Your name and picture)

Difference between Hangout and Hangout on air

Many people kept asking us the difference between Hangout and Hangout on air. So we thought why not write a blog about it and here it is. Let us tell first what this hangout is because many people, we believe, do not know it too. Well, Hangout is a product by Google+ . The concept is more or less like Skype but its more advanced. … Continue reading Difference between Hangout and Hangout on air

How to Change Language for Different Google Products

Till this time changing language in Google products is really difficult because different products has different ways of changing language and you actually can’t change language for all different products at one go, you will have to do it separately. So here is the process for different products A. Google search engine 1. Go to 2. select language just below the Google name Or … Continue reading How to Change Language for Different Google Products

Some stats about Whatsapp

After the $19B purchase of Whatsapp, it is creating a new buzz in the market. Whatsapp and Facebook are both giants in their fields, so what would be the next scene. To predict the future you need to know the past and here are some amazing stats about whatsapp collected from various sources, hope you will like’em Whatsapp has almost 450M monthly average user out … Continue reading Some stats about Whatsapp

Whatsapp For $19 BN, What Could Be The Reason?

Till this time you must have heard about the epic buy of Whatsapp for $19B. It is the biggest buy so far. But why? I mean, come on, whatsapp doesn’t have a revenue model, its doing good but the market is volatile and nobody knows if people will keep using whatsapp once it becomes paid since they have other options like whatsapp. So what’s the … Continue reading Whatsapp For $19 BN, What Could Be The Reason?

How to Clean Your Mobile RAM Manually in Android Smart Phone?

  The most common problem smart phone users face is shortage of space. This article is about how do you clean your ram and make some space free so that your mobile runs without interruption. Touch the left touch panel, you will be given few options Scroll and select manage apps Go to all apps Just wait for 10 seconds Again touch the left touch … Continue reading How to Clean Your Mobile RAM Manually in Android Smart Phone?

How to Restart/Reboot Your Blackberry Without Taking Your Battery out

To Restart/Reboot your Blackberry without taking your battery out, complete the following steps. Press and hold the Alt key (1) While holding down the Alt key, press and hold the Right Shift key (2) With both of those buttons still pressed, press the Backspace/Delete key (3) When the screen turns off to indicate that the BlackBerry smartphone is restarting, you can then release the keys … Continue reading How to Restart/Reboot Your Blackberry Without Taking Your Battery out